Are cheaper water cups more suitable for gift customization?

Are cheaper water cups more suitable for gift customization?

water thermos
Newbies who have not been in the water cup industry for a long time must have encountered this problem. Most customers will say that the price of your water cup is too high. Your price is much higher than the price of so-and-so water cup, and it is not suitable for our market. etc. Over time, many novices will feel that it is because the price of their own water cups is too high that they have not placed orders, thus losing too many customers. Is it really like this? The editor can responsibly say that this is definitely not the case. This is what the title of the article talks about. Is it true that only cheaper water cups are more suitable for gift customization? The higher the price, the less suitable for gift customization?

Among all the reasons for not closing the deal, the price factor seems to be a common problem, but in fact it is the best reason to evade, because any production factory needs costs, and the price is also calculated based on the cost. Low No factory can accept orders that are too costly. Think carefully when you are buying something and using the other party’s product, which is of poor quality or the style is ugly. Should you reject it because the price is inappropriate?

So put yourself in your shoes, and the other party’s inability to close a deal with you is not entirely due to your problems. There will also be orders from the other party that you are not sure will be negotiated or will not be negotiated. In this case, the other party will definitely not tell you. Your order has not been negotiated, but he will use the condition of rejecting the order as not meeting his requirements to hint to you that he has a large number of orders in hand.

Assume a proposition, if the cheaper water cup is more suitable as a gift, but the more expensive one is not, then everyone knows that in the global market, there is only cheaper but not the cheapest. If this kind of behavior dominates, it does not reflect the product. In terms of its own value and the value of the creator and producer, in order to maintain the profit of maintaining production, since we continue to subtract from the transaction price, we must also continue to subtract from the production cost, and what follows is shoddy manufacturing. Cutting corners and shoddy goods.

The water cup market is the same as other products in the global market. It is also divided into different markets: high, medium and low. Newbies who have just entered the industry should not be led away by the other party’s rhythm. They should fully study the market that suits them and provide the best service in their own market area. Keep your reputation to the highest level, and over time, you will naturally be able to block replies like high prices. On the other hand, customers who need cheap water cups also need low-end products for their purchasing purposes, sales methods, and target groups. Those who are oriented to the high-end market and require excellence in true quality will definitely recognize the value of the product.


Post time: Aug-08-2024