Can laundry detergent be carried in a stainless steel thermos cup?

As the epidemic situation improves, the flow of people in society has increased, especially the number of people traveling. There are also more opportunities for us to travel for work. Today, when I was writing the title of this article, my colleague saw it. Her first sentence was that it definitely wouldn’t work, so she silently…

stainless steel water bottle IMG_5043

When seeing this title, some friends must have asked who else would use a stainless steel thermos cup to hold these substances? Don’t say it like that. I 100% believe that some of the friends who read this article must have or have thought about using stainless steel thermos cups to carry these substances. If you do, don’t raise your hands. After all, I can’t see it.

First of all, medical alcohol and non-high-purity alcohol can be carried in stainless steel thermos cups. As for high-quality liquor, you can also use stainless steel thermos cups to carry it, because alcohol is volatile but not corrosive, but high-purity alcohol is not. It does not mean that it is high-purity alcohol. Pure alcohol is highly corrosive, but high-purity alcohol is highly volatile. The gas produced by volatilization is not only flammable but also increases the air pressure in the cup, causing danger.

best stainless steel water bottle

Secondly, we put hand soap, washing powder, and laundry detergent together. These products cannot be carried in stainless steel thermos cups. Of course, there is also a premise that this thermos cup will no longer be used as a functional thermos cup. Some friends want to say that when cleaning the thermos cup, shouldn’t you also use cleaning fluid such as detergent? So why can’t you carry it?

When we clean the water cup, we usually dilute the cleaning fluid and clean it quickly, so the cleaning fluid will not cause damage to the inner wall or surface of the water cup. However, if you use a stainless steel thermos cup to carry hand soap, washing powder and laundry detergent for a long time , because these substances are also corrosive, mainly acid and alkali corrosion, which will cause structural damage to the stainless steel water cup.

stainless steel water bottle

What I’m talking about today is not just a whim. Before the editor entered this industry, my colleagues on business trips actually used stainless steel water cups to fill washing powder. The empty water cups were still used as washing powder after cleaning. Although I feel it is inappropriate to use my own water cup for drinking water but I can’t explain the reason, discarded stainless steel water cups can indeed be reused.

Warm reminder: For safety reasons, it is not recommended that you use water cups to hold non-food grade items, which may cause accidental ingestion, especially if there are elderly people and children at home, so be especially careful.

Post time: Mar-21-2024