How to quickly identify whether the stainless steel water cup material is 304 stainless steel?

If you purchase a stainless steel water bottle and want to determine whether it is made of 304 stainless steel, you can take the following quick identification methods:

best stainless steel water bottle

Step One: Magnetic Test

Place a magnet on top of the water cup shell and observe whether the water cup attracts the magnet while constantly moving the magnet. If the water cup can absorb magnets, it means that its material contains iron, that is, it is not pure 304 stainless steel.

Step Two: Check the Color

The color of 304 stainless steel is relatively light, similar to off-white, rather than pure white or yellow and other colors. If you find that the stainless steel water bottle is brightly colored or too bright, then it is probably not 304 stainless steel.

Step 3: Observe the manufacturer’s logo

Most manufacturers will print or paste their own trademarks and production information on stainless steel water bottles. You can use the trademark or barcode scanner to check the detailed information of the product, including material information, production date and manufacturer information, etc., to determine whether it is 304 stainless steel.

Step 4: Use reagents to test

If the above method cannot be determined, chemical reagents can also be used for testing. First, take a small piece of stainless steel material, soak it in a mixture of 1 ml of nitric acid and 2 ml of hydrochloric acid for more than 30 seconds, and then observe whether coloring or similar oxidation reactions occur. If there is no reaction or only a slight oxidation reaction, it may be 304 stainless steel.
To sum up, the above are several simple, fast and easy-to-operate methods to help you identify whether a stainless steel water cup is made of 304 stainless steel. If you still have concerns, you can consult us at any time.

Post time: Dec-13-2023