The cis actually a magical tool for making healthy tea

A while ago, thermos cups suddenly became very popular, just because rock singers casually carried thermos cups. For a while, thermos cups were equated with mid-life crisis and standard equipment for the elderly.
The young people expressed dissatisfaction. No, a young netizen said that their family’s holiday situation is like this: “My dad: smokes and stays in bed and plays mahjong; my mom: goes shopping and travels to play landlords; me: makes tea in a thermos cup and reads newspapers. ”

thermos cup

In fact, there is no need to rush to label the thermos cup. Almost all Chinese medicine practitioners agree that using a thermos cup is a very good way to maintain health. No matter what is soaked in it, it can at least provide a steady stream of warm water.

Thermos cup: Warm up the sun

Liu Huanlan, a professor at Guangzhou University of Traditional Chinese Medicine and a doctoral tutor in traditional Chinese medicine and health care who advocates that health care should start from childhood, said she never drinks ice water. He believes that health preservation is not some profound secret technique, but it permeates every corner of daily life. “I never drink iced water, so I have a good spleen and stomach and never have diarrhea.

Cheng Jiehui, chief traditional Chinese medicine physician of the Zhuhai Hospital Treatment and Prevention Center of the Guangdong Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, recommends using a thermos cup to make your own “Yang Shui”: use a lidded, sealed cup, pour the boiled water into it, cover it, and let it sit for 10 seconds minutes or more. Let the water vapor in the cup rise and condense into water droplets, and the cycle repeats. When the time is up, you can open the lid, slowly pour out the hot water and let it warm for drinking.

▲Famous foreign directors also use thermos cups to drink water and stay healthy.
According to traditional Chinese medicine, due to the warm transpiration of yang energy, water vapor rises upward to form water droplets, and the water droplets full of yang energy gather and drip back into the water, thus forming “yang-returning water”. This is the process of the rise and fall of yang energy. Regular drinking of “Huan Yang Water” can have the effect of warming yang and warming the body. It is especially suitable for people who usually have yang deficiency, cold body, cold stomach, dysmenorrhea, and lukewarm hands and feet.

Thermos cup and health tea are a perfect match

As we all know, some Chinese medicinal materials can only be fully released by decoction. But with a thermos cup, the temperature can be kept above 80°C. Therefore, as long as the slices are fine enough, many medicinal materials can release their active ingredients, especially save trouble.

It is very simple to drink boiled water from a thermos cup. “Famous Famous Prescriptions (WeChat ID: mjmf99)” mainly recommends several health-preserving teas brewed in thermos cups. They are all secret recipes of health-preserving teas that famous old Chinese medicine practitioners have been drinking for most of their lives. In autumn and winter, a thermos cup and health tea are more suitable
Li Jiren reverses three highs with a cup of tea
Li Jiren, a master of traditional Chinese medicine, was diagnosed with hyperlipidemia when he was 40 years old, high blood pressure when he was 50 years old, and high blood sugar when he was 60 years old.

However, Mr. Li read through a large number of traditional Chinese medicine classics and pharmacological medicine books, determined to defeat the three highs, and finally found a herbal tea, drank it for decades, and successfully reversed the three highs.

Cardiovascular health tea

This cup of health tea has a total of 4 medicinal materials. They are not expensive medicinal materials. They can be bought in ordinary pharmacies. The total cost is only a few yuan. In the morning, put the above medicinal materials into a thermos cup, pour in boiling water, and suffocate. It will be ready to drink in about 10 minutes. Drinking one cup a day can reverse high blood pressure.

◆Astragalus 10-15 grams, to replenish qi. Astragalus has a two-way regulatory effect. Patients with high blood pressure can lower blood pressure by eating astragalus, and patients with hypotension can increase blood pressure by eating astragalus.

◆10 grams of Polygonatum japonica can nourish qi and blood, harmonize qi and blood, and prevent all diseases.

◆3~5g of American ginseng can increase resistance and immunity, and also has three lowering effects.

◆6~10 grams of wolfberry, it can nourish blood, essence and marrow. You can eat it if you have kidney deficiency and impotence.

Weng Weijian, 81 years old, does not have high blood pressure or diabetes
Weng Weijian, a master of traditional Chinese medicine, is 78 years old and often flies around the country to work. 80 years old, riding a bicycle to residential communities to talk about “food and health”, standing busy for two hours without any problem. He is 81 years old, has a strong body, fair hair, and a rosy complexion. He has no age spots. His annual physical examination shows normal blood pressure and blood sugar. He has not even suffered from prostate hyperplasia, which is common in elderly men.

Weng Weijian has been paying special attention to health care since he was in his 40s. He once specially introduced “Three Black Tea”, which is a relatively classic remedy for removing freckles. Elderly people can drink it every day.

Three black tea

Three black teas are composed of hawthorn, wolfberry, and red dates. It is best to break the red dates when soaking to facilitate the analysis of the effective ingredients.

Hawthorn slices: Dried hawthorn fruit is also available in pharmacies and food stores. It is best to buy the ones in food stores, as the ones in pharmacies have a medicinal smell.

Red dates: should be small, because small red dates nourish blood, such as Shandong’s golden candied dates, while big dates nourish qi.

Wolfberry: Be careful. Some of them look very bright red, so this won’t work. It should be a natural light red, and the color won’t fade too much even if you wash it with water.


You can buy a cup to take with you. It is recommended to buy a double-layered cup to maintain the temperature for a long time. When I go to work, I mix the three kinds of red in a plastic bag and bring a thermos cup with me.
Fan Dehui makes tea in a thermos cup to check your physical condition\\

Professor Fan Dehui, a famous Chinese medicine doctor in Guangdong Province, reminded that what to soak in the thermos cup should be based on different seasons and different physical constitutions. The doctor should prescribe Chinese medicinal materials suitable for you and drink it in water to adjust your own constitution.

Generally speaking, women with anemia can soak donkey hide gelatin, angelica, jujube, etc. in water for two or three days after their period; those with insufficient Qi can soak some American ginseng, wolfberry, or astragalus to replenish Qi.

Sizi eyesight improving tea

Ingredients: 10g wolfberry, 10g ligustrum lucidum, 10g dodder, 10g plantain, 10g chrysanthemum.

Method: Boil 1000ml of water, soak and wash once, then bake with 500ml of boiling water for about 15 minutes before drinking, once a day.

Efficacy: Nourishes blood and improves eyesight. It is most suitable for people who need to use their eyes frequently.

Cinnamon Salvia Tea

Ingredients: 3g cinnamon, 20g salvia miltiorrhiza, 10g Pu’er tea.

Method: Rinse the Pu’er tea twice first, add boiling water again and let it steep for 30 minutes. Then pour out the tea liquid and drink it. It can be repeated 3-4 times.

Efficacy: Warming yang and stomach, promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis. The tea has an aromatic and mellow taste and is effective in preventing coronary heart disease.

Date Seed Soothing Tea
Ingredients: 10g jujube kernels, 10g mulberry seeds, 10g black Ganoderma lucidum.

Method: Wash the above medicinal materials, scald them once with boiling water, add boiling water again and let them soak for 1 hour. Then pour out the tea liquid and drink it. Drink it 1 hour before going to bed.

Efficacy: Soothe the nerves and aid sleep. This prescription has certain auxiliary therapeutic effects on patients with insomnia.

Refined ginseng hypoglycemic tea

Ingredients: Polygonatum 10g, Astragalus membranaceus 5g, American ginseng 5g, Rhodiola rosea 3g

Method: Wash the above medicinal materials, scald them once with boiling water, add boiling water again and let them soak for 30 minutes. Then pour out the tea liquid and drink it. It can be repeated 3-4 times.

Efficacy: Replenishing qi and nourishing yin, lowering blood sugar and promoting fluid production. This tea has a good auxiliary therapeutic effect on patients with diabetes and hyperlipidemia. If you are weak, you can replace American ginseng with red ginseng, and the effect will remain unchanged.

Lingguishu sweet tea

Ingredients: Poria 10g, Guizhi 5g, Atractylodes 10g, Licorice 5g.

Method: Wash the above medicinal materials, scald them once with boiling water, add boiling water again and let them soak for 1 hour. Then pour out the tea and drink it, once a day.

Efficacy: Strengthen the spleen and regulate water. This prescription has a good auxiliary therapeutic effect on patients with phlegm-dampness constitution who suffer from recurring chronic pharyngitis, dizziness, tinnitus, cough and asthma.


Eucommia parasitic tea
Ingredients: 10g of Eucommia ulmoides, 15g of Locust root, 15g of Achyranthes bidentata, and 5g of Cornus officinale.

Method: Wash the above medicinal materials, scald them once with boiling water, add boiling water again and let them soak for 1 hour. Then pour out the tea and drink it, once a day.

Efficacy: Tonify the kidneys and subdue yang. This prescription has certain auxiliary therapeutic effects on patients with hypertension and lumbar disc herniation.

If you soak the thermos cup in the wrong way, you will die.

Although the thermos cup is good, it cannot soak everything. You can soak whatever you want. Cancer may come to your door if you are not careful.

01Choose a cup

When choosing a thermos cup to brew health tea, be sure to choose a material marked as “food grade 304 stainless steel”. The tea brewed in this way has extremely low heavy metal content (within an acceptable safety range), good corrosion resistance, and can withstand long-term use. Brew.

02 Avoid fruit juice

In daily life, many people use thermos cups to fill not only water, but also juice, fruit tea, fruit powder granules, carbonated drinks and other acidic drinks. Please note that this is a taboo.

Chromium, nickel, and manganese are basic substances that exist in large quantities in stainless steel, and are also indispensable metal elements that constitute stainless steel. When foods with relatively high acidity are contained, heavy metals will be released.

Chromium: There is a potential risk of damage to the human body’s skin, respiratory system and digestive system. In particular, long-term hexavalent chromium poisoning can cause damage to the skin and nasal mucosa. In severe cases, it can also cause lung cancer and skin cancer.


Nickel: 20% of people are allergic to nickel ions. Nickel also affects cardiovascular function, thyroid function, etc., and has carcinogenic and cancer-promoting effects.
Manganese: Long-term excessive consumption can affect the function of the nervous system, causing memory loss, drowsiness, listlessness and other phenomena.

03Look at medicinal materials

Hard-textured medicinal materials such as shellfish, animal bones, and mineral-based Chinese medicinal materials require high-temperature decoction to extract the active ingredients, so they are not suitable for soaking in thermos cups. Fragrant Chinese medicinal materials such as mint, roses, and roses are not suitable for soaking. etc. It is not advisable to soak, otherwise the active ingredients will be denatured.

04Control water temperature

The thermos cup sets a high-temperature, constant-temperature environment for tea, which will make the color of the tea turn yellow and darker, taste bitter and watery, and may even affect the health value of the tea. Therefore, when going out, it is best to brew the tea in a teapot first, and then pour it into a thermos cup after the water temperature drops. Otherwise, not only will the taste be bad, but the beneficial components of tea polyphenols will also be lost. Of course, it is best not to use a thermos cup to brew green tea. You must also pay attention to the skills when brewing.



Post time: Sep-02-2024