What are the four do’s and don’ts of buying a stainless steel water cup

1. To check detailed production information

View detailed production information to avoid purchasing Sanwu products, and at the same time fully understand the production material of the water cup. Are all stainless steel accessories 304 stainless steel required by the national standard, and are all plastic materials food-grade materials? Does the manufacturer have an address, website, contact information, etc.

Stainless steel water cup

2. Pay close attention to the production quality of the water cup

Observation can determine whether the workmanship of the water cup is rough, whether there are serious quality problems, whether there are potential safety hazards, whether there is damage or deformation, etc.

3. Smell the water glass

Smell the new water glass to determine whether there is a pungent smell or a musty smell. A pungent smell often indicates that the material is substandard, and a moldy smell indicates that the water cup has been stored for too long. As the editor has mentioned before, it is best to give up quickly on such water cups.

4. Depend on consumer reviews

Now, the best way to judge whether a water cup meets your needs is to spend more time reading the consumer reviews of the same water cup on different e-commerce platforms. The more good reviews you have, the less likely you are to get into trouble when purchasing.

The above are the four things you need to pay attention to when buying a water bottle.

Four Don’ts:
1. Don’t look at prices blindly

Don’t think that the higher the price of a water bottle, the better. The editor has repeatedly emphasized that high cost performance is a must-have for a good water bottle.

2. Don’t be too obsessed with material

Nowadays, various businesses use various gimmicks to promote their products. Many materials are obviously 304 stainless steel but are called various high-tech terms. Plastic materials that are obviously food grade are called baby grade or space grade. . The editor believes that if you don’t put more emphasis on emotion and highlight your own brand and consumption level, it would be best as long as all the stainless steel accessories of the stainless steel water cup are 304 stainless steel. You don’t have to blindly pursue 316 or higher grades. Material.

3. Don’t blindly only recognize foreign brands

More than 80% of the world’s water cups are produced in China. Especially in the past 10 years, various overseas brands have sprung up on the market. Who knows how many of these foreign brands are truly foreign brands, and how many truly foreign brands have no production capabilities at all? The ability can only turn Chinese products into foreign brands through OEM. The editor has mentioned in many articles how to quickly judge the quality of a stainless steel water cup. Friends in need can read it.

4. Don’t be cheap

As the saying goes, from Nanjing to Beijing, what you buy is not as good as what you sell. Many consumers see the stainless steel thermos cup on a well-known bottom-line e-commerce platform for only a few yuan and think it is a great deal, but little do they know that you have already entered a trap when purchasing. Any water cup has a reasonable production cost. If thousands of stainless steel water cups in stock only cost a few yuan, plus the commission from the platform, shipping costs, etc., what is the quality or material of this water cup? Everyone in production knows this.

Post time: May-22-2024