What are the processes for the liner of stainless steel water cups? Can it be combined?

What are the production processes for stainless steel water cup liner?

drink bottle

For the stainless steel water cup liner, in terms of tube forming process, we currently use tube drawing welding process and drawing process. As for the shape of the water cup, it is usually completed by the water expansion process. The drawing process can also complete the shape, but the relative efficiency will be lower and the cost will be higher.

The editor will not describe the differences and characteristics of these processes. I have introduced them many times in previous articles. If you need to know more about them, you can read the previously published articles.

Can these processes be combined for the inner liner of a double-layered stainless steel vacuum cup?

The answer is yes. Both the inner and outer bladders of the water cup body can be welded by drawing tubes at the same time. You can also use the drawing process for both the inner and outer bladders. You can also use the inner bladder with a stretched outer shell and welded with drawn tubes. These are also in the market. Commonly seen on. Some friends who see this will ask, why can’t the liner tube be welded and the outer shell stretched? If a friend asks this question, it means that he has followed the editor for a short time and has not read the previous articles of the editor. This must be considered from the perspective of cost and aesthetics. The editor cannot definitely say that there is no such practice, and even the editor believes that for With different products, different functions and process completion, there will definitely be water cups processed in this way, but this method is indeed rarely seen in the editor’s daily production of water cups.

Generally, the purpose of combining the two processes is basically to achieve the effects expected by customers while also reducing production costs. So these processes can be combined.

Post time: Apr-24-2024