What causes odor in water cups and how to eliminate it

When friends buy a water cup, they will habitually open the lid and smell it. Is there any peculiar smell? Especially if it has a pungent smell? After using it for a period of time, you will also find that the water cup emits odor. What causes these odors? Is there any way to remove the odor? Should I continue to use a water cup that has a peculiar smell? Answer these questions one by one. What is the reason why the new water cup you just bought smells strange after opening?

stainless steel bottle

The water cup you just purchased has a strange or pungent smell, probably due to these two things. One is that the material is obviously not up to standard and is not a healthy food-grade material. Such inferior materials will emit odors and pungent odors. The other is caused by improper production management or low production requirements. Some necessary processes in the production of water cups are not done, such as ultrasonic cleaning, dust removal and drying, etc., and the lids of the water cups are not checked before storage. , to prevent water vapor from entering the cup, and whether there is desiccant in the water cup.

What causes the water bottle to smell strange after being used for a period of time?

If the water cup has a peculiar smell after being used for a period of time, it is basically caused by poor cleaning. It is mainly related to living habits. For example, you like to drink dairy products, drinks with high sugar content and some carbonated drinks out of the water cup. Drinking these drinks If it is not cleaned quickly and thoroughly, there will be some deposits over time. These deposits will remain on the welding lines inside the water cup, and gradually become moldy and emit a peculiar smell.

So should you continue to use a water cup that has an odor? Is there any way to remove the odor?

If the new water cup has a pungent odor when you buy it, it is recommended to replace it or return it and choose a water cup without odor. If there is an odor after using it for a period of time, you can use this method to remove the odor. First, use high-strength liquor or medical alcohol to wipe the inner wall of the water cup thoroughly. Since alcohol has volatile characteristics and can quickly dissolve residues, many residues will disappear with it. The volatilization is eliminated, and then high-temperature hot water sterilization or ultraviolet sterilization is selected according to the material of the water cup. After these treatments, the odor of the water cup can basically be eliminated. If it still doesn’t work, you can use boiled tea and repeat it several times. If there is still an obvious odor, it means that the water cup can no longer meet the health needs due to improper use. Replace with new water bottles promptly.

Regarding the service life of water cups, the editor has explained it in detail in other articles and also borrowed authoritative industry figures. A water cup has a service life regardless of its material. Try not to use water cups that have expired. use. Usually the service life of stainless steel water cups is about 8 months, and the service life of plastic water cups is 6 months.

Post time: May-04-2024