What is the difference between roll printing and pad printing?

There are many techniques for printing patterns on the surface of water cups. The complexity of the pattern, the printing area and the final effect that needs to be presented determine which printing technique is used.

water cup

These printing processes include roller printing and pad printing. Today, the editor will share with you the differences between these two printing companies based on our daily production experience.

Roll printing literally means rolling printing. The rolling here refers to the rolling of the water cup itself during printing, and the pattern on the printing plate is printed on the cup body through rolling. Roll printing is a type of screen printing. The roller printing process can control the screen plate of the screen plate to increase the shade of ink during printing, and finally present the desired effect. At present, the roller printing machines used in most factories are single-color. The single-color roller printing machine can achieve one positioning but cannot achieve two or more multiple positionings. This means that it is difficult for a single-color roller printing machine to print many patterns without registering them. The color of the pattern after roll printing is usually high in saturation. After the pattern is dry, it will have a certain concave and convex three-dimensional feeling when touched by hand.

The pad printing process is more like stamping. Pad printing transfers the ink covering the pattern on the printing plate to the surface of the water cup through a rubber head. Due to the rubber head printing method, the intensity of the ink cannot be adjusted. Usually the pad printing ink layer is relatively thin. . However, pad printing can achieve precise positioning multiple times because the printing plate and water cup are immovable. Therefore, pad printing can be used for color registration, or the same pattern can be printed multiple times with the same color ink to achieve the ideal printing effect. .

In water cup printing, you cannot simply assume that the same pattern must be printed with the same process. You must decide which printing process to use based on the shape of the water cup, surface treatment process and pattern requirements.

Post time: Apr-18-2024