Why are manufacturers paying more and more attention to user experience when selling water bottles now?

In the 1980s and 1990s, the global consumption model belonged to the real economy model. People purchased products in stores. This purchase method itself was a user experience sales method. Although the processing technology at that time was relatively backward, and people’s material needs are now very different, people also pay great attention to experience when consuming. Taking daily necessities as an example, people at that time required more durability and low prices.

stainless steel water bottle

With the improvement of production technology, the development of the Internet economy, the increase in income, the improvement of education quality, especially the rapid development of the online economy, people’s consumption patterns have undergone tremendous changes, and more and more people are beginning to Shopping at home without leaving home. From the products purchased in the early days to different from those displayed online by merchants, shoddy, shoddy, and fake products, people began to distrust online consumption. At one time, people would feel that online merchants Nine times out of ten it’s a lie. why is it like this? It was because people could not immediately get the real experience when shopping online like shopping in offline physical stores.

As more and more problems arise, various e-commerce platforms have begun to focus on consumers as their main service targets. From the perspective of consumers, and with the starting point of protecting the interests of consumers, they have added various rigid requirements for online merchants, such as It must meet the requirements of 7-day no-reason returns and exchanges, giving consumers the right to truly evaluate the products and store service experience. At the same time, various service sales points are used to determine the probability of merchants being exposed on e-commerce platforms.

In the early days, because business methods and service awareness have not yet fully adapted to the Internet economy, many merchants and factories did not pay much attention to experience and evaluation. In the end, actual data tells us that only by respecting consumers and paying attention to consumer experience can their products be sold. Better, the company will develop longer term. At the same time, manufacturers have indeed felt the stakes from the market feedback data, and are deeply aware that no matter whether they sell products under any economic system, they must pay attention to user reputation. Therefore, in order to obtain user data and good user reputation, various companies now not only The products are constantly improving, and the user experience is becoming more and more humane and rational.

Post time: Mar-29-2024