Why do small water droplets condense when the purchased stainless steel thermos cup is filled with cold water?

When I wrote the title of this article, I guessed that many readers would think this question is a bit idiotic? If there is cold water inside the water cup, is it not a normal logistics phenomenon for condensation on the surface of the water cup?

stainless steel cup

Let’s put aside my conjecture. In order to relieve the heat in the hot summer, we all have the experience of drinking cold drinks. A cup of ice-cold drink can instantly eliminate the heat and make us feel a pleasant cooling effect immediately when the heat is unbearable.

It won’t take long after you hold a cold drink in your hand to find that water droplets begin to condense on the outside of the drink bottle. The colder the drink, the more water droplets will condense. This is because the temperature of the drink is lower than the temperature in the air, and the water vapor in the air encounters a lower temperature than the natural temperature. When the temperature is high, they will condense together, and if they are too high, they will form water droplets.

But should this phenomenon also occur with stainless steel thermos cups? The answer must be no.

The stainless steel thermos cup adopts a double-layer structure. A vacuum is formed between the outer shell and the inner tank through a vacuum process. The more complete the vacuum, the better the insulation effect. This is why the water cups that everyone buys daily are insulated. The reason why some water cups have particularly good insulation effect.

The thermos cup can insulate not only high temperatures, but also low temperatures. Therefore, after a good-quality stainless steel thermos cup is filled with cold water, there should be no condensed water droplets on the surface of the water cup. If water droplets appear, it only means that the water cup is insulated. The quality is relatively poor.

We specialize in providing customers with a full set of water cup order services, from product design, structural design, mold development, to plastic processing and stainless steel processing. For more information on water cups, please leave a message or contact us.

Post time: Apr-19-2024